Thursday, April 28, 2011

God knows your desperation... and your heart.

David was desperate when he fled from Saul. So desperate that he not only persuaded the priest to give him the holy shew bread, but he lied to the priest twice, saying that he was there because the King had sent him on some urgent business, so urgent that he had no time to pack food or weapons. He then retrieved Goliath's sword from the priest. When he got to Gath, he was afraid of the king there so he faked being crazy, scratching at the gates and drooling spit down his beard. Both of these deceptions in short order kept him free and alive in the short term, and eventually he became King, God's man on the throne.

Jesus endorsed and defended David's use of the shew bread when he was defending his own disciples for eating grain plucked on the Sabbath day.  Jesus points out that the Sabbath was made to serve man's good, not man to be a slave to the Sabbath.  Same with the shew bread, yes it was holy, but holy bread doesn't help the starving child of God if he looks at it, only if he eats it.  The lies David told the priest aren't mentioned by Jesus.   It seems God understands when his people are under threat and hard pressed to survive, that they may make mistakes and even sins that are forgiven later, but God looks at the heart and the intent and the greater good that comes from his people who serve him. Was David perfect in these matters? No. He lied or at very least deceived people. But these things were small in God's overall plan to make him King, and David was forgiven his sins because he was a man after Gods own heart. 

 You might do all the right things, legalistically, but your heart may be far from God and your self righteousness may make you into a Pharisee who heartlessly criticizes God's servants. Legalism keeps you from experiencing the grace of being forgiven. God knows we are weak and imperfect and cave under pressure, but if our heart is full of faith and love for him, he forgives, restores, purifies and exalts us.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How God saved us from becoming part of the parking lot.

Bingely Bobbin Mill Boiler Explosion.. 1869

I remember the first time we ran the heating system in our first old building in Regina in 1999. I had flipped the switch to turn on the natural gas for the massive old boiler (converted from coal to natural gas). Later I came into the Mission after being out for coffee with Michelle and noticed that it was extremely hot in the building.  I checked the thermostat and saw that it was reading  way over where it was set,  over 85 degrees Fahrenheit . Condensation was running down the walls.    Suspicious that something was very amiss, I ran down the stairs in to the dingy basement, picked my way through the piles of clutter and garbage that clogged the hallway from years of castoff junk in this notorious rooming house,  and made  my way to the boiler room.  It was getting hotter with every step i took.

 As i neared the boiler room door the heat was incredible  and there were loud creaking and groaning noises emanating from the roaring hot furnace. I said a quick prayer for protection as i entered the steaming hot room.  When i looked at the gauges I found that the temperature of the water was over two hundred and sixty degrees, well beyond the red zone indicated for safety.  The boiler pressure was also past the very top of the dial and the whole massive old boiler was groaning under the strain, ready to explode any moment.

 I rushed out to turn off the switch that controlled the natural gas.  The roaring  furnace fell silent but the creaking and groaning from the boiler seemed even louder than before, like a submarine that has gone too deep and was about to burst . (anybody seen the classic sub movie Das Boot?) I turned a tap to let out some of the water pressure and scalding hot water and steam shot out, the release of pressure caused the pipes to rattle and bang with horrific volume. I went upstairs and warned the mission guys that they might want to step outside till the danger was past. It took  a good three hours for the pressure and the temperature to come back to normal operating levels.  Needless to say I called the boiler man to come and work on it as quick as possible.

I've heard reports (see above picture) that boilers like these can and do explode and take out whole buildings, if their safety and backup safety systems malfunction. It turned out NONE of the safety systems on this boiler were in working order so it just kept heating hotter and hotter and 7 times hotter! I guess this wasn't too surprising from a slum type building where one of the main exits had a working "EXIT" lamp by a door that was nailed shut from the outside!! Thank you Lord for protecting us. By the way, that building is gone. I guess the song is true, they paved paradise and put up a parking lot. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

God was in it! Prayer Journal from Regina Rescue Mission Days.

Dec 16/99

Dear Lord God,

I thank you for answering prayer in a great way yesterday.  We asked that we would be able to use the large building on Scarth St. for our mission, and the owner of it agreed to just that.  Our only payment is to be the rent we collect from the men.  You led us to this building through LLoyd Rogers, Mike Breckneridge, and final Robert G.... the owner.  Now we have a dining hall, lounge, suite, rooms, kitchen and all the space we need to start a mission.  We Praise You our God!

Father, I want to sanctify you in my heart as God, and pray that your presence will sanctify me, as it did the temple when your glory descended into it.    I thank you that I am sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ, who cleansed me from all my sin and iniquity. I now determine to sanctify myself unto You and your service, a clean vessel dedicated to your will.  And yet it must be you that does the sanctifying, as my will is not sufficient against temptation, yet your holy presence is.  I must call on you and remember you at all times in order that I may remain sanctified.  And when I fail, immediately i must sanctify myself by the blood of Christ unto the Lord again.

Now, Lord God, we specially need your help in establishing the mission in that building.  Help us to earn the respect and friendship of the men who live there.  help us to take control of the building and begin ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit.  The official management date is Jan 1/2000 but we will go to familiarize ourselves and befriend the men in small ways.  I pray for a smooth transition, making a den of iniquity into a house of salvation.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My homeless brother.

Excerpt from a journal entry on Dec. 30, 2010.

 In Hawaii I was able to minister to a poor homeless soul named Howard, who just stood in one spot all day and all night in filthy rags.  Thousands of wealthy, healthy, happy tourists walked past him, turning up their noses at the foul smell coming from his tattered, soiled clothing.   I gave him a bottle of water in the morning and he was in the exact same spot, holding his bottle of water that evening.  I talked him across the street where I tried to give him new clothes and a towel that I bought him but he refused to get clean or accept the clothing. He stood there a whole other day and night.  I realized he didn't want to eat or drink anything because he had nowhere to go to the bathroom.  He was on my heart all night so the next day, when I saw he was still standing there,   I went to the police to try and get him help.  At first they told me there was absolutely nothing they could do if he wasn't harming anyone.  I told them that he obviously couldn't care for himself and that he was going to die of dehydration while nobody did anything.  By that evening he had been removed from the streets.  I pray that he will have an advocate and find a place to live.

I had a lot of compassion for him, partly because his name is Howard and that's my brother's name.  What would I do if my brother was on the street, not eating, not moving, standing there filthy and confused?  Talking with him revealed he was not crazy just unwell, and he had a good sense of humour like saying "a guy gave me a dollar for impersonating a statue".  anyways, the experience reminded me of the importance of helping those in need and encouraged me that setting up a mission is a very important and worthwhile task.  If I can help my homeless brother find a bed to sleep in, water to drink, clothes to wear and then some hope and love from the heart of God, it will be worth it all.